الخبرات المهنية:
[March 1992 – September 1994] Cytogenetic Specialists, Cytogenetic, Medical Laboratory Services, KFSH & RC, Riyadh Saudi Arabia. The cytogenetic laboratory at KFSH & RC is a comprehensive cytogenetic testing facility. The laboratory performs about 1,500 specimens per year. I perform chromosomal analysis of amniotic fluid, bone marrow, peripheral blood, skin fibroblasts, solid tumours and lymph nodes biopsies, chronic villis and product of conception using Cytoscan semi-automated karyotyping system. Process Fragile 'X', chromosome breakage studies for fanconi Anaemia and Ataxia Telangiectasis. Perform chromosome staining technique, banding techniques, molecular genetic studies and fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH). Duties also include management of inventory control system, ordering of laboratory supplies and reagents. Record maintenance of patient files, quality control testing, quality assurance and participation in CAP surveys. Performs the duties and function of senior technologist when circumstances dictate.
[December 1990 -March 1992] Medical Technologist, Haematology, Medical Laboratory Services, KFSH & RC, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
Perform routine haematology procedures (adults and pediatrics) on 2 coulters S+IV, STKS and STKR. Normal and abnormal (majority) manual differentials and operates the Hematrak model 590 automated differential system. CSF and body fluids cell counts and on differential mostly oncology patients. Special haematology procedures including cellulose acetate/citrate agar electrophoresis, RBC enzyme screening, osmotic fragility test, sucrose lysis test, hams test and plasma viscosity test. Assisted in collection of bone marrow specimens being on hand to spread the fresh smears and then to carry out any or all cytochemical stains on the bone marrow or peripheral blood to aid in the diagnosis of haematological malignancies. Performs manual and automated prothrombin time and APTTs using Coag-A-mate and ACL 300 fibrinogen assays, reptilase time, D-dimer assay as well as bleeding time. Performs multiple factor assays along VAth the investigation of bleeding diatheses and hypercoagulable states. Special procedures such as protein C and S (rocket gel electrophoresis), functional protein C on ST4 Stago, as well as platelet aggregation and von-willebrand's work-up. Performs ESR, reticulocyte count, blood smear, sicklling test, haemoglobin H preparation, Heinz bodies test, APT test, eosinophil count, manual WBC. Duties also include trouble shooting and quality control maintenance on all instruments.
[December 1989 - December 1990] SCDP Trainee, Training and Development, Human Resources KFSH & RC, Riyadh Saudi Arabia.
المشاريع البحثية المشتركة: |
Principle Investigator
Project Title: Application of Molecular Cytogenetic and Biochemical Analysis of Women with Recurrent Abortion and Spontaneously Aborted Embryos in the western area of the Kingdom. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2004-2005) |
Project Title: Molecular cytogenetic analysis of congenital anomalies in children at the five centers of Disabled Children Association in Saudi Arabia. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2005-2006) |
Project Title: Application of molecular genetic analysis of Women with Breast Cancer at Saudi Arabia (National Project). KACST Project,
Duration: Three Years (2005-2007) |
Project Title: Epidemiological and Cytogenetic Studies of Edwards' syndrome in Jeddah Area. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2007-2008) |
Co- Investigator
Project Title: Identification of the Genetic Defects causing Thalassemia disorders in the Saudi Population. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2004-2005)
Project Title: Interleukin-1 polymorphisms; possible genetic markers for Rheumatoid Arthritis in well- characterized Saudi patients. KAU, Project
Duration: Two Years |
Project Title: Identification of the breakpoints CBF-? and MYH III genes in patients with acute myeloid leukemia in Saudi population. KAU Project,
Duration: One Year |
Project Title: Molecular Cytogenetic Evaluation of Children with Congenital Deafness in Saudi Arabia. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2005-2006) |
Project Title: Molecular diagnosis of Thrombophilia in Saudi Population. KACST Project,
Duration: Two Years |
Project Title: The Application of Chromosomal Analysis of Patau’s Syndrome in Jeddah Area. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2007-2008) |
Project Title: Evaluation of the methods for tissue-based detection of the Her2/neu gene alteration in human breast cancer. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2007-2008) |
Project Title: The Prognostic Value of Heat Shock Protein in Breast Cancer. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2007-2008) |
Project Title: Molecular diagnosis of Thrombophilia in Saudi Population. KACST Project,
Duration: Two Years |
Project Title: The Application of Molecular Cytogenetics on the Subterranean Termites in Makkah Almokarramah Region. KAU Project,
Duration: Two Years (2007-2008) |
ملخصات الملصقات العلمية:
Pilot study of DNA extraction from archival unstained bone marrow slides: comparison of three rapid methods.
Al-Qahtani MH, Gari MA, Abuzenadah AM, Chaudhary AG
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology ISLH 2010 in Brighton, UK
Classical Chromosomal Karyotype Vs Qualitative RT-PCR for the Detection of Philadelphia Chromosome in CML.
Adel Abuzenadah, Mamdooh Gari, Mohammed Alqahtani, Adeel Chaudhary, Shireen Hussain, Rola Turki
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology ISLH 2009 in Las Vegas, USA
Molecular Characterization of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase deficiency.
Mohammed H Al-Qahtani1, Mamdooh A Gari1, Adeel G Chaudhary1, Adel M Abuzenadah1, Huda A Banni1, Faten M Al-Says2, Saheerah A Lary3, Asmaa A Al-Harbi3, Ghazi A Damanhouri2,Ashraf Dallol1 ,
International Journal of Laboratory Hematology ISLH 2009 in Las Vegas, USA
Prevalence of genetics Risk factors Causing Thrombophilia in Normal Population and Recurrent Abortion Patients in Saudi Arabia.
Al-Qahtani MH, Gari MA, Abuzenadah AM, Chaudhary AG
Journal of Thrombosis and Homeostasis. XXth ISTH Congress, 2005 in Cindy, Australia
Application of multiplix PCR in mutation analysis in saudi duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy patients.
Aisha H. Elaimi, Adel Abuzenadah, Mamdooh Gari, Mohammed Saeed Jan, Adeel G. Chaudhary, Mohammed H. Alqahtani.
First National Genomic Day, 2009, CEGMR, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Detection of Fragil X Syndrome.
Huda bin Helaby, Lina Al-Harbi, Adel Abuzenadah, Mamdooh Gari, Adeel G. Chaudhary, Ashraf Dallol, Mohammed H. Alqahtani
First National Genomic Day, 2009, CEGMR, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
FISH Analysis for HER2 Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer Patients.
Manal M. Shabaat, Maha M. Al-Quaiti, Emad Al-Hamzi, Adel Abuzenadah, Mamdooh Gari, Adeel G. Chaudhary, Ashraf Dallol, Mohammed H. Alqahtani
First National Genomic Day, 2009, CEGMR, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
الكتب والأعمال المترجمة:
Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani (2008). A book on HUMAN BIOLOGY LAB MANUAL for Medical students is under publication as a author by King Abdulaziz University, Dept. of Medical Biology. Dar Alzahrawi. |
Al-Qahtani M, Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Hidmi M, Boghas A, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Dallol, A. Integrated Expression and Methylation Profiling Identifies KLOTHO as a Major Tumor Suppressor Gene in Young Female Breast Cancer Patients in Saudi Arabia. (Expected publication March 2012)
Al-Qahtani M, Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Hidmi M, Boghas A, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Dallol, A. Molecular Characterization of Colon Cancer in Saudi Arabia Identifies an Unusual Distribution of CIMP frequency and Oncogenes Mutations. (Expected publication December 2011)
Al-Qahtani M, Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Hidmi M, Boghas A, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Dallol, A. Whole-Exome Sequencing of a atypical Thrombocytopenia case identifies a novel mutation implicated in other diseases. (Expected Publication December 2011)
Al-Qahtani M, Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Hidmi M, Boghas A, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Dallol, A. Whole-Exome Sequencing of Hereditary Breast Cancer identifies Novel Genetic Haplotypes Associated with the Disease. (Expected Publication March 2012)
Al-Qahtani M, Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Hidmi M, Boghas A, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Dallol, A. Unravelling the Saudi Arab Genome and the Identification of novel haplotypes. (Expected Publication June 2012)
Al-Maghrabi J, Buhmeida A, Syrj?nen K, Sibyani A, Emam E, Ghanim A, Al-Qahtani M, Al-Ahwal M. COX-2 Expression as Predictor of Disease Outcome in Colorectal Carcinoma. World Journal of Gastroenterology (submitted 2011)
Al Qahtani MH, Jamal HS, Rouzi AA, Ardawi MS, Chaudhary AG, Gari MA, Abuzenadah AM, Karim S (2011). Chromosomal Abnormalities and Polymorphic Variants in Patient with a History of Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion in Western Region of Saudi Arabia Scandinavian journal of Gynecology. Submitted.
Shabat M, Ahmed F, Peerzada AA, Chaudhary AG, Abuzenadah A, Al Qahtani MH, Al Sayes F, Gari M (2011). A patient with an aggressive acute myeloid leukemia, displaying a novel FLT3 mutation in the activation loop of the tyrosine kinase domain. British Journal of Hematology Submitted.
Chaudhary AG, Abuzenadah AM, Gari MA, Al Qahtani MH, Al Sofyani AH and Al Janadi M (2011). IL-1 gene polymorphism and susceptibility to Rheumatoid Arthritis in ethnic Saudi cohort. Saudi Med J. Submitted.
Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani, MSc.,Ph.D; Wafa Makky J.R. Nichols, MSc.,Ph.D (2011). Continuing Professional Development and Restructuring the Professional Career Structure of Laboratory Technicians in Saudi Arabia, the possible Keys to Increased Job Satisfaction Saudi Med J. Submitted.
Abuzenadah AM, Hussein IM, Damanhoury GA, El Sayes FM, Zaher GF, Gari MA, Chaudhary AG, Al-Attas A, Al-Qahtani MH. Molecular Basis of Beta-Thalassemia in the Western province of Saudi Arabia: Identification of rare β-thalassemia mutations. Hemoglobin 2011;35(4):346-57
Al-Maghrabi J, Al-Ahwal M, Buhmeida A, Syrj?nen K, Sibyani A, Emam E, Ghanim A, Al-Qahtani M. Expression of Cell-Cycle Regulators P21 and P27 as Predictors of Disease Outcome in Colorectal Carcinoma. J Gastrointest Cancer 3 June 2011
Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Hidmi M, Boghas A, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Collan Y, Syrj?nen K, Al-Qahtani M. RASSF1A methylation is predictive of poor prognosis in breast cancer in the background of overall low methylation frequency. Anticancer Res. 2011 Sep;31(9):2975-81
Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Collan Y, Syrj?nen K, Al-Qahtani M. Prognostic Relevance of Mitotic Count in Saudi Breast Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2011 Jan;31(1):97-103.
Peer-Zada AA, Al-Qahtani MH. Advancing mass spectrometry-based clinical proteomics in Saudi Arabia. Establishing a Saudi Proteomics Society. Saudi Med J. 2011 Mar;32(3):225-35.
Al-Khattabi H, Kelany A, Buhmeida A, Al-Magrabi J, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Asfour H, Lari S, Al-Qahtani M. Evaluation of HER-2/neu Gene Amplification by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization and Immunohistochemistry in Saudi Female Breast Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2010 Oct;30(10):4081-8.
Buhmeida A, Al-Maghrabi J, Merdad A, Al-Thubaity F, Chaudhary A, Gari M, Abuzenadah A, Collan Y, Syrj?nen K, Al-Qahtani M. Nuclear Morphometry in Prognostication of Breast Cancer in Saudi patients: Comparison with the European and African Breast Cancer. Anticancer Res. 2010;30(6):2185-91.
Al-Qahtani MH, Baghlab I, Chaudhary AG, Abuzenadah AM, Bamanie A, Daghistani KJ, Safieh M, Fida L, Dallol A (2009). Spectrum of GJB2 Mutations in a Cohort of Nonsyndromic Hearing Loss Cases from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Genet Testing of Molecular Biomarkers. Vol. 14 (1) 79-83.
Salama SI, Abdullah LS, Al Qahtani MH, Al Maghrabi JA.(2009) Histopathological Pattern of Thyroid Lesions in Western Region of Saudi Arabia The new Egyptian Journal of Medicine, 40(6); 580-586.
Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani, (2008) Chromosomal Abnormalities in Saudi Children of Jeddah City, JKAU:Med.Sci.. Vol. 15(3): 3-25.
Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani ,(2008) Cytogenetic Profile of Down's syndrome in Western Saudi Arabia: A comparative studies, Specialized Journal for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Vol. 3(1): 25-35.
Adeel G. Chaudhary, Mohammed H. Alqahtani, Adel Abuzenadah, Mamdooh Gari, Abeer A. Al-Sofyani, Jumana Y. Al-Aama, Sahira A. Lary, Aisha H. Elaimi (2008). Mutation analysis in Saudi Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy patients using multiplex PCR, Arch Med Sci; 4, (1): 16-21.
Gari MA, Chaudhary AG, Al-Qahtani MH, Abuzenadah AM, Banni H, Al-Sayes FM, Al-Harbi A, and Lary S (2008) Frequency of Mediterranean Mutation among a Group of Saudi G6PD Patients in Western region-Jeddah, International Journal of Laboratory Hematology. Vol 32; 17-21.
Gari MA, Abuzenadah AM, Chaudhary AG, Al-Qahtani MH, Banni H, Al-Says FM, Lary S and Dmanhouri (2008) Detection of FLT3 oncogene mutations in acute myeloid leukemia using Conformation Sensitive Gel Electrophoresis, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 9: 2194-2204.
Mohammed H. Al-Qahtani (2008). A book on HUMAN BIOLOGY LAB MANUAL for Medical students is under publication as a author by King Abdulaziz University, Dept. of Medical Biology. Dar Alzahrawi.
Elassouls SM, Alqahtani MH, Milaat W. (2007) Genotoxicity of air borne particulates assessed by comet and the salmonella mutagenicity test in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Int J Environ Res Public Health. Set;4(3): 216-33.
Ardawu MS, Nusrat HA, Rouzi AA, Qari MH, Al-Qahtani MH, Abuzenadah AM.(2007) The effect of cigarette or sheesha smoking on first-trimester markers of Down syndrome. BJOG. Nov;114(11): 1397-401.
Ardawu MS, Nusrat HA, Rouzi AA, Qari MH, Al-Qahtani MH, Abuzenadah AM. (2007) Maternal serum free-beta-chorionic gonadotrophin, pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A and fetal nuchal translucency thickness at 10-13(+6) weeks in relation to covariables in pregnant Saudi Women. Prenat Diagn. Apr;27(4): 303-11.
Charrel RN, Fagbo S, Moureau G, Alqahtani MH, Temmam S, de Lamballerie X. (2007). Alkhurma hemorrhagic fever virus in Ornithodoros savignyi ticks. Emerg Infect Dis. Vol;13(1):153-5.
Nadia M. Fida MD, Jumana Al-Aama, MD, Wafa-Makky Nichols, MD, Mohamed Alqahtani, MD. (2007) Aprospective study of congenital malformations among live born neonates at University Hospital in Western Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med J. Vol.28(9): 477-486.
Gari MA., Abuzenadah AM., Chaudhary AG., Al-Qahtani MH., Al-Says FM & Dmanhouri G., (2006) Pilot study of DNA extraction from archival unstained bone marrow slides: comparison of three rapid methods, African journal of Biotechnology. 5 (6), 532-535.
Abuzenadah AM, Chaudhary AG, Gari MA, Qahtani MH. (2005) Prevalence of Genetic Risk Factors causing Thrombophilia in Normal Population and Recurrent Abortions Patients in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. August Vol.3(1).
Khalid H.Sait., Maysoon A.Alkhattabi, Abdulmohsen O.Alkushi, Mohammed H.Alqahtani., (2004) Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma in a female with Turner Syndrome, Saudi Medical Journal. 25 (9), 1270-1273.
Alqahtani, M., Hammond, D.W. Goepel, J.R., & Goyns, M.H. (1999) Cytogeneticanalysis of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas by painting and comparative genomic hybridization revel unsuspected chromosomal abnormalities. Leukemia & Lymphoma, 35 (3-4):325-37.
D.W. Hammond, M. H., Alqahtani, B.W., Hancock & M.H., Goyns. (1996) Chromosomes analysis of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas by conventional cytogenetics and fluorescence in-situ hybridization. Applied Cytogenetics. 22 (3), 99.
M. Alqahtani, D.W. Hammond, & M.H., Goyns. (1997) Cytogenetics and multiple chromosomes painting studies of human lymphoma cell lines. British Journal of Cancer. 75 (1), 38.
Alqahtani, M., Hammond, D.W., Goepel, J.R. & Goyns, M.H. (1997) The application of multi-colour fluorescence hybridization to the analysis of the abnormal chromosomes in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. Applied Cytogenetics. 23 (4), 93.
Alqahtani, M., Hammond, D.W., Goepel, J.R. & Goyns, M.H. (1997) The application of multi-colour fluorescence hybridization to the analysis of the abnormal chromosomes in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Journal of Pathology. 182, 23A.
المؤتمرات المحلية والدولية:
Invited Speaker |
1st International Conference & Workshop on Childhood & Adolescent Obesity: Research, Prevention and Intervention, King Saud University Obesity Chair, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 30 – 1 Apr 2009.
First Annual National Genomic Day. King Abdulaziz University, CEGMR Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 17 Nov 2008.
Preparation National Strategic Plan for Health & Medical Research in Saudi Arabia. King Abdulaziz for Sciences & Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 28 June 2008.
Centers of Excellence at King Saud University Concepts and applications, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia18 – 19 May 2008.
Research on Brest Cancer. Al Meraj, Jeddah Saudi Arabia. 29th march 2008.
Breast Cancer Research Workshop, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 22 Feb 2008.
Third Workshop. Research Centers of Excellence: Challenges and Ambitions. King Abdulaziz University, CEGMR Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 7 March 2009.
1st Medical Students Research Day: King Abdulaziz University Hospital Main Auditorium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 24th Apr, 2008.
An Introduction to Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research. King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2nd Jun 2007.
First Scientific Preparation Workshop for KAU PhD Postgraduates Students (Female Split Program). King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 24 -28 Feb 2007.
Molecular & Clinical Genetic Program: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Maternity and Children’s Hospital, Pediatric Department, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 4- 6, April 2005.
International Saudi Symposium of Pediatric Hematology / Oncology (Invited Speaker): King Abdulaziz University Main Auditorium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21- 23 November, 2005.
Saudi Bio – 2004 International Conference: King Faisal specialist Hospital and Research center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. May 10-12, 2004.
An International Genetic Congress: Medical school, Emirate University, Dubai, UAE. December 9-11, 2003.
New Trends and Application of Molecular genetics. Department of forensic Medicine, Semmelweis University, Hungary 2003.
Saudi Bio conference, (invited speaker) King Faisal specialist Hospital and Research center, Hilton Hotel, April 6-8, 2002, .Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering in the Islamic World, Islamic Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Casablanca, Morocco. 22-26 Oct 2001.
Attending |
European Human Genetic Conference 2009. European Society of Human Genetics, Austria 23- 26 May 2009.
Abbott Real Time Solutions Symposium, Jeddah, Intercontinental Hotel, 5th May 2008.
International Conference on Micro-Techniques (Nano). Conference Hall, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 17th -19th June 2008.and Technology, 28th June 2008.
Genetic Counselling and Preventative Screening Programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Present and Future. KFSH&RC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 20 – 21 May 2008.
Applied Medical Sciences Students 4th Meeting, King Abdulaziz University Main Auditorium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 3 – 4 May, 2008.
Strategic Plan for Health and Medical Research Scheme, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 14 Apr 2008.
Association for Clinical Cytogenetics Spring Conference, the Merseyside Maritime Museum, UK, 31 - 2 April, 2008.
Clinical Molecular Genetic Society Spring Conference, Carnatic House, Liverpool University, UK, 3- 4 April, 2008.
International Symposium & Workshops; Current Concepts & Issues in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, National Guard Officers’ Club- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.19-21 November 2007. This activity has been awarded (12 CME hours) by the Saudi Council for Health Specialties with Serial No.2007/3940 dated 7/9/1428.
Medical Education conference and 2nd Meeting of the Saudi Medical Education Society, attended at King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA. 6-7 November, 2007.
The vision and Mission for the Center of Excellence in Environmental studies, at King Abduaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 17th June 2007.
Applied Medical Sciences Students 2nd Meeting, King Abdulaziz University Main Auditorium, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2 – 3 May, 2006.
British Human Genetics Conference 2006. University of York, York City, UK 18 - 20 September 2006.
XXth ISTH Congress, Cindy, Australia 6-12th August 2005.
E-Health International Conference, King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 19 Feb 2005.
Human Genome Project Symposium. King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 6th May 2003.
Nottingham 2001 Spring Scientific Conference, Nottingham, UK. 5 – 6 April 2001.
An International Symposium of pathology: Medical school, Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK. September 23-25, 1997.
British Association for Cancer Research (BACR) Annual meeting: Southampton University, Southampton, UK. October 4-8, 1997.
The Association of Cytogenetics Technologist (ACT) Annual meeting: Norfolk, USA. June 13-17, 1997.
The Association of Cytogenetics Technologist (ACT) Annual meeting: Maryland, USA. June 15-19, 1996.
The 6th International Conferences on Malignant Lymphoma: Lugano, Switzerland. June 5-8, 1996.
UKMBCN 12th Annual Meeting: University of Durham, Durham, UK December 11-13, 1995.
In Situ symposium (Hybaid): Chairing cross & Westminster medical school, London,UK. March 31, 1995.
An International Symposium on Lymphoma: Royal college of Physicians, London, UK. March 26-29, 1995.
British Association for Cancer Research (BACR) Annual meeting: East Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham University, UK. April 2-5, 1995.
An International Symposium on Advances in Laboratory Medicine: King Khalid National Guard Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. January 18-19, 1994.
Symposium on the Rheumatic heart Disease: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. December 4-5, 1993.
Symposium on the Medical Genetics in the Setting of Middle Eastern Population: King Saud University, College of Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. October 26-28, 1993.
Symposium on Interferon in Rehmatology: King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
ورش العمل المحلية والدولية:
Course of Study in the Skills and Techniques of Effective Personal Productivity. Waco, Texas, USA. Dec 15 – Jan 12, 2010
The First Workshop of Saudi academic network "SAREN" Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 17-18, Nov 2009.
1st Arab Cytogenetics Community Workshop. Dubai, Arab Emiratis. 19 April 2009
Models for Success in Managing National R & D Resources. National Policy Workshop on Fostering innovation Higher Education, and Global Excellece, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Jeddah. Saudi Arabia. 31-1, Nov 2009
Gene Expression Training Course, Partek Genomics Suite, Affymetrix University, London, UK, 23rd Oct 2009
Pre-Requisite Training Sessions for the Ingeuity Pathways Analysis 7.5 Certification Program, Affymetrix University, London, UK, 22, Oct 2009
Affymetrix university Expression data Analysis Training Course. Affymetrix University, London, UK, 21-23rd Oct 2009.
The Use of FISH Technology in Oncology. 18 Feb 2008, Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
The Second Workshop of Research Centers of Excellence. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 21, Oct 2008.
Workshop Tariff of the Strategic Plan for Scientific Research Deanship, Jeddah, Conference Hall, King Abdulaziz University, 29th June 2008.
International Workshop on introduction of center of excellence in genomic medicine research at King Fahad Medical Research Center, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah ( July 2 , 2007)
A hands-on experience and brief description has been delivered by Leica Product Managers, Successfully completed the Leica Pathology Day Seminar at Westin Hotel, Jeddah 28th March, 2007
12th International Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis Workshop, University College London, 16-20 April 2007.
Annual Clinical Immunology and Allergy Workshop, at Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University Medical Center. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2/3/2006. (CME Accredited 5Hrs)
Workshop Partnership activation in Private Sector and Higher Education Institutions at Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of scientific Research, King Abdulaziz University , 9th May 2006.
Workshop: Continue research for strategies King Fahad University, Dahran, Saudi Arabia. 21st December 2004.
Genetic Diagnosis & its applications: King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 29th September 2004.
Human Future & Genetic Code Workshop. 6th May 2003, King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
E-Learning & Health Care Workshop, Faculty of Medicine & Allied Sciences, King Abdulaziz University Hospital April 23-24, 2002.
Medical Curriculum Development Workshop, King Abdulaziz University Hospital and King Fahed Research Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
GeneSensor and cDNA Microarray Chip Training: Vysis University, Downers Grove, Illinois, USA. July 9-13, 2001.
cDNA Microarray Workshop: California State University, San Marcos, USA. June 25-30, 2001.
Flow Cytometry 1 FACScan Orientation Program: Becton Dickinson (sponsors), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Five day classroom training, 1991.
Workshop: Developing High Quality Written Test and Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCE). King Fahad Medical Research Center. Faculty of Medicine, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
الجوائز: |
Academic Staff Member Excellency Award for the year 2007. Medical School, King Abdulaziz Univerisy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Outstanding Contribution Award for the year 2005. Medical School, king Abdulaziz Univerisy, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Active Member Award from New York Academy of Sciences for the year 2004, New York, USA.
Merit Award from An International Genetic Congress: Medical school, Emirate University, Dubai, UAE. December 9-11, 2003.
العضويات الاحترافية: |
British Association for Cancer Research (BACR). |
European Association for Cancer Research (EACR). |
The Association of Cytogenetic Technologists (ACT). |
The Canadian Society of Laboratory Technologists (CSLT). |
The Association of Clinical Cytogeneticists (ACC). |
The British Society for Human Genetics (BSHG). |
The Saudi Society of Laboratory Medicine |
عضويات اللجان: |
عضو فعّال فيما يلي: |
Research Centers of Excellence Steering Committee at King Abdulaziz University. Jeddah |
Obesity Chair Advisory Board. Medical School, King Saud University, Riyadh |
Administrative Committee for Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research. Jeddah |
National Medical Research Strategy Committee Stakeholder. KFSH, Riyadh |
National Committee of Biotechnology New Strategic Guidelines, KACST Riyadh. |
National Committee of Bio. & Medical Ethics, KACST, Riyadh. |
Laboratory Committee, King Abdulaziz University Hospital. Jeddah |
Laboratories Supervising Committee, King Fahad Medical Research Centre. Jeddah |
Research Council Media Committee, King Abdulaziz University. Jeddah |
KFMRC Research Committee, King Fahad Medical Research Centre. |
KFMRC Administrative Committee, King Fahad Medical Research Centre. Jeddah |
Science Advisory Board Committee, Bioinformatics, LLC., USA. |
Scientific Committee of Saudi bio 2004, KFSH&RC, Jeddah. |
Science Advisory Board Committee of Biotechnology Incubators, King Abdulaziz University. Jeddah. |
الاهتمامات والأنشطة: |
Martial Arts (Black Belt), United States Taekwondo Academy, 1992 |
Endurance Running, Marathons |
Professional Sky Diving, 1903 Credits Hours |
Swimming, Long Distance |
Horses Riding |