HH The President of the University Patronizes the Honoring Party of the Staff of Managerial and Financial Affairs in the University

Under the patronage and attendance of HH the President of the university Professor
 Usamah Bin Sadeq Tayyeb a party was made in the occasion of the end of the fiscal year 1427/1428h for the staff of the managerial and financial affairs in the university. This party witnessed the attendance of university' deputies, deans and members of other sectors.

The party includes reading verses from the holy Quran followed by a speech for the deans presented by the dean of students affairs Dr. Abdullah Bin Mostafa Mahregi in which he explained that this day is a clear witness on the university success in managerial and financial achievements inside and outside the university.

Then, Professor Nashat Bin Abdulaziz Ismael The supervisor of managerial and financial affairs delivered a speech in which he expresses his happiness for the attendance of the president of the university. He also explained that the continuous success the university has achieved is a result of the cooperation of all sectors especially the staff of managerial and financial affairs who are doing their best.

Then, HH Professor Usamah Bin Sadeq Tayyeb delivered a speech in which he explained that his visit is a sort of gratitude to the members of managerial and financial affairs who are doing their job successfully in spite of the large number of branches following the mother university. He also thanked the supervisor of managerial and financial affairs for his continuous efforts for doing the first closing of a budget among the Saudi universities.

After that, HE the deputy president of the university Professor Abdulrahman Al-Youbi delivered a speech in which he thanked the president for his support to all sectors including managerial and financial affairs where the university has achieved the highest merit among other universities.

At the end, HH the president of the university presented gifts and shields for the managerial and financial affairs staff.

Dr. Haitham Bin Ahmed Zakae – the Chief Supervisor of Public Relation and Media-announces this.

Last Update
1/14/2008 3:00:00 AM

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